Mr Mr. Bhabesh Morang

Joined North Bank College on 30 Oct, 2000
Working since 2000
Research Interest:
Specialized Courses:



  1. Name                         : BHABESHMORANG
  2. Mother’s Name         : Mrs. Puneswari Morang
  3. Father’s Name           : Mr. Moheswar Morang
  4. Department     : Political Science
  5. Date of Joining         : 30/10/2000
  6. Designation      : Assisatant Professor (Sr. Grade)
  7. Date of  Birth    : 01/09/1975
  8. Sex          : Male
  9. Nationality       : Indian
  10. Category              : ST (P)
  11. Mobile                                   : 9678871146

         12. Email ID                                :

  1. Orientation/Refresher/ Short Term Course attended:

<svg class="ck ck-icon" viewBox="0 0 16 16"></svg>
Sl.noName of the CoursePlaceDurationSponsoring Agency
1OPAcademic Staff College, Gauhati University02/11/2000  to 29/11/2009UGC
2RCDibrugarh University17/12/2002  to 06/01/2003UGC
3RCAcademic Staff College, Gauhati University05/12/2011 to 25/12/2011UGC
4RCAcademic Staff College, Gauhati University28/01/2013 to 17/02/2013UGC


Gauhati University

07/09/2015 to 13/09/2015 UGC

  1. Seminar  attended:

<svg class="ck ck-icon" viewBox="0 0 16 16"></svg>
Sl.noName of the SeminarTitle of the Seminar TopicSponsored Authority & Type of SeminerOrganized byDate
1Gandhi’s Non-violence and its Relavance in the present day contextRelavance of Gandhi’s Non-violance


National Level

Gandhian Study Centre, Moridhal College, P.O-Moridhal



15th October,


2Human Rights and Value in EducationHuman Rights and Indian Democracy


National Level

Women Cell, MachkhowaDegree College, P.O-Machkhowa



29th October


3Social Evaluation  of the Songs of Dr.Bhupen Hazarika which Denotes Revolutionary, Humanities and Patriotism TunesDr. Bhupen Hazarikar Gitat Jatiy Setonabudh


National Level

Dept. of Assamese

Dhemaji Girls’ College, 



25th Sept.


4Reflection of Tribal Social Life in Assamese NovelAsomiya Upanyasot protiphalit Karbi Janagusthir protisobi( Rong Bang Terangor Rangmilir Hanhi Upaynsor Bikhekh  Ullekhonere)


National Level

Dept. of Assamese & English, Silapathar Town College, Silapather



21st&22nd Oct, 2013
5Gender Discrimination and Violation of Women Rights in North-East IndiaProtection of Women under the Constitution of India


National Level

Dept. of Political Science,

Moridhal College, P.O-Moridhal



15th&16th March, 2013
6Eco-System Management, Sustainable Development and Livihood: With Special Reference to North East India Human-Elephant Conflict in Golaghat District of AssamUGC, National Level

Dept. of Economics,North Bank College,




12th Sept.


7Ethnic Identity and Unrest Question in North-East India with Special Reference to AssamThe Ethnic identity of the Mising : A Historical PerspectiveUGC, National Level

Dept. of Sociology

Dhemaji Girls’ College, 



26th& 27th

Se pt. 2014

8Achievement of three tier panchayat system in respect of Rural Development with special reference to AssamRole of Panchayatiraj in rural development with special reference to Subansiri Anchalik Panchayat of Lakhimpur District.UGC, National Level

Dept.of Economics & Political Science Rengam Subansiri College, 

Patrichuk Lakhimpur


23rd&24th Sept.


9Development of Women in North East India: Issues,Challenges and Way Forward-------ICSSR, National LevelDept. of Sociology& IQAC, Dhakuakhana College




  1. Workshop/Symposium Attended:

<svg class="ck ck-icon" viewBox="0 0 16 16"></svg>
Sl.NoName of the WorkshopSponsored Authority Type of WorkshopOrganaized byDate
1Gandhi’s Constructive Works to Build up a Non-Violent New WorldUGCNational Level

Gandhian Study Centre, Dhemaji College,


2nd October,2010
2Semester System at Undergraduate Level in General Degree CollegesUGCNational Level

Lakhimpur Girls’



31st May &1st June,


3Reseach Proposals in Higher Education: Its Preparation & other AspectsUGCNational Level

IQAC, Dhemaji College,


6th&7th April,


4The Semester System in the Under Graduate Level in the Trasition Period: its Pros and Cons.Assam College Teachers’ Association , Dhemaji-Dhakuakhana Zonal CommitteeZonal Level


Dhemaji-Dhakuakhana Zonal Committee

Venue: Gogamukh College

11th May,


5Upliftment of the Standard of Teaching in Humanities at the Degree LevelUGCNational Level

IQAC, Dhemaji Girls’ College, Dhemaji, Assam

23rd August,2012
6Violation of Human Rights of Women and Children in rural areas of North East IndiaUGCNational Level

Dept. of Political Science,

Moridhal College, Moridhal



3rd&4th March,2013
7Research Methodology: Its Needs and ImpotanceUGCNational Level

Dept. of Education & Economics

Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahabidyalaya

8th&9th Sept. 2014
8Issues and Challenges in Higher Education with Special Reference to North-East IndiaUGCNational Level

Dept. of Education, Bordoloni Central College,



25th&26th April


9Examination Process and Evaluation System under CBCS at UG LevelACTA & Moridhal CollegeState LevelACTA & Moridhal College27th October,2018
10Preparation and Usage of Scientific & Technical Term in Assamese Language in Higher Education

Ministry of Human Resource Development,

Deptt.of Higher Education

National Level

Ministry of Human Resource Development,

Deptt.of Higher Education & Dhakuakhana College

14&15 June/


11Natokar Pandulipi Likhan KarmashalaAkhom Natya Sanmilon. Inggit & IQAC, North Bank CollegeState LevelAkhom Natya Sanmilon. Inggit & IQAC, North Bank College23&24 October/2019
12National Education Policy-2019ACTA , ACTA Dhemaji-Dhakuakhana Zone& IQAC,Purbanchal CollegeState LevelACTA , ACTA Dhemaji-Dhakuakhana Zone& IQAC,Purbanchal College

8th November


  1. Memberships  andother responsibilities:
  2. Life member of North East India Political Science Association
  3. Life member of  Mising Agom Kebang
  4. Sitoishi Member of Assam Sahitya Sabha
  5. Member of Assam College Teachers’ Association
  6. Prof. In-charge of the  College Megazine ‘NBIAN’2016.
  7. In-charge of  Departmental  Megazine ‘POLITY’and  wall Megazine ‘Jagriti’ 
  8. Coordinator-NBC Publication Cell
  9. Coordinator-Voters Awareness Forums
  10. Coordinator-Feedback Committee
  11. Coordinator-Three Member Task Force Committee 
  12. Coordinator-NBC Publication Cell
  13. Coordinator-NBC ST/SC Cell
  14. Coordinator-Students Support and Progression Committee
  15. Coordinator-NBC Publication Cell
  16. Coordinator-NBC Publication Cell
  17. Chairperson- Institutional Values and Best Practices
  18. Asst.Convenor of the UGC sponsored national Seminar on Issues of Integration in north –east India: Peace process and Development.
  19. Coordinator of UGC sponsored National Workshop on Disaster Management  in North-east India: Mitigation and Preparedness
  20. Co-ordinator of Human Rights Education Course, North Bank College.

  1. Book published:
  2. Sanmiholi- Nirikshan Publication, Guwahati.ISBN-978-93-82723-38-7. First Edition- August 2016.
  3. Bharatot Jatiyatabad-Bidyabhawan,M.G.Road, Jorhat-1,ISBN-978-93-85439-58-2. First Edition- July 2019.
  4. Mising Samaj-Sankskritir Kisu Kotha (Edited), Published by Mising Study Circle, Ghilamara, Sept.2019.
  5. Glimpses of Thoughts-Publication Cell, North Bank College,ISBN-978-93-91953-71-3. 15th June/2022.
  6. Megazine Edited: 1
  7. Le:bang- A souvenir from Ghilamara.
  8. Research Paper andArticles Published:
  9. Swadhinota Andulonor Prothom Akhomiya Mohila Swohid Dwariki Das- NBIAN,an  annual Megazine of North Bank College, Session- 2004-05.
  10. Bihu Gitot Jonojatiya Upadan – KONHA PORIYAKETEKI (Smitigrontho ) Konha Poriya Bihu Sanmilon-2006.
  11. Buronji Adharit Bihunam- SAMPORA (Smoronika)Pashim Ghilamora Yubak Sangha,2006.
  12. Bharot Bangladesh Sima aru Anuprobesh Samoysya: Eti Alusona- NBIAN,an  annual Megazine of North Bank College, 

Session- 2005-06 &2006-07

  1. Mising Aru Ahumor Somporko-LI:BANG- Souvenir, Mising Study Circle, Ghilamara,2011.
  2. Bharotiyo Songbidhanot Manob Adhikar: Ek somu Alusona, NBIAN Session-2010-11, Goldren Jubilee Issue.
  3. Tothya Jona Adhikar Aain Aru Gurutota-SOMAJ-DARPAN,anannual Megazine, Dept. ofSociology, 2010-11.
  4. Ambedkar’s Views on Democracy- POLITY, an annual Megazine of the Dept. of Political Science, 2011. 
  5. Akhomiya Songskritiloi Mising Jonogusthrir Obdan- NBIAN,an annual Megazine of North Bank College, Session- 2011-12..
  6. Mising luko Sahityat Oi:nitom- LE:BANG- Souvenir, Mising Study Circle, Ghilamara,2012.
  7. Ombadsmen, Lukpal aru Lukayukta: Bharotot  Eyar Aabsyokota- NBIAN,an  annual Megazine of North Bank College, 

Session- 2012-13.

  1. Ethnic Conflicts and Integration with Special reference to Assam- ISSUES OF INTEGRATION IN NORTH EAST INDIA: PEACE PROCESS AND DEVELOPMENT, Editor- Dr. Gitanjali Baruah, ISBN-978-93-5087-701-2. Year-2013.
  2. Disaster and Their Management: With special reference to North East India- BIKIRAN( Annual Journal of Dhemaji- Dhakuakhana Zonal Committee,ACTA, Session-2013-14, Volume-VI, No-I, ISSN-2278-3415.
  3. The Ethnic Identity and Autonomous movement of the Misings: Ahistorical Perspective-AXIOM (A Book on Social Sciences & Humanities, Editor- Rajesh Chetia, Deep Dutta. ISBN-978-93-5104-180-1, 
  4. Manob Nirapotta, Sontrakhbad aru Asom: Ek Porjyalusona- BIKIRAN( Annual Journal of Dhemaji- Dhakuakhana Zonal Committee,ACTA, Session-2014-15, Volume-VII, No-I, ISSN-2278-3415.
  5. Sushasn aru Eyar Protibondhokta Somuh- NBIAN, an  annual Megazine of North Bank College, Session- 2014-15.
  6. Yuba Projonma aru Kisu Sinta-- LE:BANG- Souvenir, Mising Study Circle, Ghilamara,2015.
  7. Sikshar Adhikar Aain,2009: Abhibhabokor Dayitya- SARNAPROGYA- a Souvenir of Pashim Dhemaji High School (Golden Jubilee),2015.
  8.   Constitutional Safeguards of Women in India: An Analysis- DAPUN, Published by Women Study Centre, Dhemaji College, Editors-Anurupa Chutia, Puspapriti Morang,2016,ISSN- 2349-5057.
  9. Bharotor Poromanu Niti-Ek Porjyalusona-POLITY, an annual Megazine of the Dept. of Political Science, 2016.
  10. Dr.B.R. Ambedkar and Women Rights: An Analysis- DAPUN, Published by Dhemaji College Publication Celland Women Study Centre, Dhemaji College, Editors-Anurupa Chutia, Puspapriti Morang,2021,  ISSN- 2349-5057.
  11. Misinghokolor Goru Bihu aru Husori-Eti Alusona-Bohana- A souvenir of 63no Ghilamara Kendriya Rongali Bihu Sanmilan, Editor-Uttam Kumar Hazarika, 2022,  ISBN- 978-93-91953-56-0.
  12. Issues and Threats of Human Security; A study in Lakhimpur District of Assam- A research paper published in Utkal Historical Research Journal,ISSN:09762132 VOL-XXXV,No-4(1),April 2022
  13. Causes of Backwardness of Misings: Acase study on Subansiri Gaon Panchayat of Ghilamara Development Block of Lakhimpur District of Assam-Glimpses of Thoughts,ISBN-978-9391953-71-3

Published by Publication Cell, North Bank College.

  1. Research Project:

Issues and Threats of Human Security: A study in Lakhimpur District of Assam. 

SanctionNo-F.5-167/2015-16/MRP/NERO/1175 .

Dated 29th March,2016.

    Period-From 29th March,2016 to 28th March,2017.